New York Jets Off Season Program Begins
The offseason program for the Jets will begin today in Florham Park. Tim Tebow is in town and Aaron Maybin is expected to participate as well.
Bart Hubbuch had a recap of the new rules in the NY Post on Sunday.
The most obvious change is in the voluntary offseason workout program, which has been slashed almost in half to nine weeks from the previous 14. On-field practices during the offseason, known as Organized Team Activities (OTAs) in NFL parlance, also have been reduced to 10 workouts from the previous 14.
And if the slimmer workout schedule doesn’t dramatically lessen injuries, the players expect the ban on hitting in the offseason will do so, after they saw positive results from heavy cutbacks on contact during training camp and the regular season last year.
For those of you who are starved for actual Jets news, you are in luck. There will be plenty to report on. For those of you that are dreading reading all of the Tim Tebow reports, you are out of luck. That process will begin shortly.
Edit: We softened the title a bit to reflect that this is just the off season workouts. Jenny Vrentas explains it in this tweet:
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