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Jets Not Raising Ticket Prices
When you are a football fan and you watch your team suffer through a 6 and 10 season, there isn’t much to be happy about. For season ticket holders the consolation prize is that the team simply can not raise ticket prices based on that kind of performance.
From the NY Post:
The New York Jets are reducing the price for some tickets and not raising the cost of any in their 82,500-seat stadium.
Jets President Neil Glat says Friday about 3,000 seats in the upper level will cost $50 per game, raising the total of such tickets to nearly 9,000 out of 27,000 upper-bowl seats. No public seat licenses are charged for upper-level seats.
Ticket prices will range from $50 per game to $700 for club seats. The team also is reducing prices in some sections of its Chase Club and Lexus Club. And 300 seats in the Coaches Club have been eliminated.
Here is to a winning season for the Jets in 2013 and higher ticket prices in 2014!
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