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Happy Fourth Of July

We would like to wish everyone a happy and safe fourth of July. Most of us have the privilege of living in this great country and we are thankful to all those who keep us free and safe. In words of the Secretary of Defense:
On this Independence Day, I want to express my appreciation to the men and women and their families who serve our country across the nation and around the world. Thank you for everything you do to help keep our nation safe.
It’s been 237 years since a small band of patriots signed the Declaration of Independence, in which they pledged their lives and their sacred honor to defend our unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Since then, generations of Americans have made that same pledge, boldly standing up in the face of tyranny, oppression, and persecution.
Those who serve in our armed forces, and their families, have given much in the name of defending the ideals and free institutions we often take for granted. Today, as we celebrate our nation’s birth, let us honor their dutiful service and strive to be worthy of their tremendous sacrifices.
Happy Fourth of July. God Bless you all and may God continue to bless the United States of America.
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