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NFL Fan Superstition Index
Bud Light recently surveyed NFL fans and formed the “NFL Fan Superstition Index”. They asked 50 questions which led to the rankings.
Did you know that the Jets fan base is the 7th most superstitious in the NFL? And, they rank 2nd in the league for believing that their superstitious activities affect the outcome of the game.
Raise your hand if you believe that you can have an impact on the outcome of the game because of your rituals? I have to say that I was skeptical and first and then I realized how many of these I am actually guilty of myself. Here are some notes related to Jets fans.
- Jets fans are most likely to try to curse or jinx the opposing team (37%).
- Jets fans rank second in the league (46%) for believing their superstitious activities affect the outcome of the game. Only Baltimore Ravens fans are truer believers.
- Don’t ask me to move. Jets fans are most likely to sit in the same spot when they watch the game to boost team performance (41%).
- Jets fans rank fourth in the NFL for being publicly mocked (10%) or having a relationship end (4%) due to their game-day superstitions.
- Jets fans rank fourth in the league (18%) for touching, kissing, rubbing or holding some kind of team memorabilia for the win.
- Some quality me time: Jets fans rank second in the league for engaging in superstitious activities alone (27%).
- Jets fans rank third in the league for believing that not doing their game-day superstitions has resulted in a Jets loss (30%) or missing a winning field goal (25%).
Jets Fan Superstitions:
- “If they win, I will cook the same food the next week.” Male, Age 21-29
- “Without a doubt, if I am sitting or standing or doing anything in my house, I will stay in that spot if something good happens.” – Male, Age 40-49
- “I wear my jersey backwards.” – Female, Age 30-39
- “My friends and I always wear our lucky jerseys. Just before the game starts we all open our bottles at the same time and clink them together.” – Female, Age 21-29
You can read more about the Bud Light NFL Fans Superstition Survey here. Be sure to tell us what your superstitions are in our New York Jets forum.
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