PSL Update By RowOneJetFan
I have been working on an editorial that I was going to call, “When Is T-Day?” T-Day is the day the Jets come clean and tell us how many tickets they have sold for the upcoming season. The day game day seats get put on the secondary market. Then I stumbled upon this nugget of information in the JetNation forums: Section Analysis of Remaining Seats. The entire post is reprinted below.
I asked rowonejetfan how he obtained this information and he shared his methods. I would like to stress that this is an opinion piece, we do not have actual data from the Jets. That being said, his research has been impressive and he has spoken with PSL sales reps so we believe this to be as accurate a representation of PSLs sales as we will see until T-Day.
Upper Deck – 50 Sections – Will Sell Out By Start of season.
Mezz-A 4K psl – 24 Sections – Nearly Sold out or Sold Out by Opening Day.
Mezz – B 4k psl – 10 Sections – Pretty Empty – Major Price Reduction is Needed.
Mezz – Club Corners 5k psl – 8 Sections – Nearly Sold out or Sold Out by Opening Day.
Mezz – Club Goal Line 7.5K psl – 8 Sections – 4 Sections closer to ten yard line sold, 4 sections by goal line pretty empty.
Mezz – Club Sideline 15K psl – 8 sections – lots to still sell.
Mezz – Prime 25K psl – 2 sections – With a $395 ticket price, no free food and a 25K PSL very overpriced, pretty empty.
LL EZ 5k PSL – 14 sections – 8 sections towards corners pretty much sold, 6 sections between Field Goals had weak sales.
LL TC 6k PSL – 4 sections – Nearly Sold out should be Sold Out by Opening Day.
LL LGL 7.5k – 4 sections – Nearly Sold out should be Sold Out by Opening Day.
Lower Sideline 15k – 6 sections – Jets side 4 sections sold fairly well and Visitors side a little less. May be patches of empty seats on opening day but no reductions needed.
Lower Prime 20k – 2 Sections – With a 20K PSL and a $150 ticket AND on the Visitors side with no cover or free food these two sections are pretty empty.
Great Hall Club – 1 section – with a 25k PSL and a $600 ticket on visitors side with a crappy small inside part this is most empty part of stadium.
Coaches Club (20k, 25k and 30K), 5 sections. At least Jets side, inside is beautiful and you get to go to press conference, eat with players and go down to field level, even park in players lot and enter and exit with players and get own private entrance and exit ramp plus park in players parking lot. But come on this is Jets $700 a ticket is nuts. But still that section is pretty much sold out.
Now for the Summary as of today:
UD – 50 Sections, All 50 Sections will sell out.
Mezz – 60 Sections – 36 Sections Sold, 24 Sections pretty empty.
LL – 36 Sections – 25 sections pretty much sold, 8 sections weak (6 LL EZ between posts and the 15K Jets side) ,3 sections pretty empty.
Here is the discussion thread in our forums and thank you to RowOneJetsFan for putting this together.
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