From Abraham_Vilma_Miller
Posted on Sunday, November 20, 2005.
We are the new, football version of the boston redsox.
A lot of crappy years…and every once in a while there is great hope when we get a talent laden team, and it looks like we could really make a run at the superbowl…but somehow we are foiled, and our arch-nemesis, the patriots(much like the yankees for the redsox before they broke their curse), and left laughing at us, and theres nothing we can do.
I can see it now…i’ll be 85, watching the jets in the superbowl up by 16 going into the 4th…shank it completely, but have the chance to win it with a 40 yard fg with 1 second left…when a guy named doug will hit the right cross bar…and i’ll die of a heart attack….so is the life of a jets fan.
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